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Why are we here? What do we do?

By: Pastor Dave | January 23, 2025 | , ,

Dear Found Family of Minooka UMC,

Our congregation is extraordinarily blessed by the sheer number of dedicated and talented people who give so much of their time and effort. We have a wonderful set of leaders for all our committees, teams, and small groups. We have a wonderful set of hard working people filling those committees, teams, and small groups. Thank you all for being so faithful to God’s call in your lives. 

As your committees, teams, and small groups meet in this first quarter of the year, I’ve asked our leaders to add these questions to their agendas: 

— What wins are we celebrating? Personal wins, congregational wins, or both.

— What are our committee/team/group’s goals for 2025?

— In what ways does the work we are doing connect to our purpose, mission, and vision?

Truthfully, every organization, every leader, every speaker, every congregation, every presenter I have ever encountered all define purpose, mission, and vision differently. So your milage may very, as they say. Here’s how we think of them:

Our purpose is our ‘why.’ Why does Minooka UMC exist? To love God with our whole selves and to love our neighbors as ourselves. 

Our mission is our ‘what.’ What is Minooka UMC doing? Forming disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world—beginning with us.

Our vision is our preferred future. What do we want our congregation to be? An inclusive gathering of found family learning to be more like Jesus and serving the community. 

Thanks be to God for Her Holy Spirit who moves in us, with us, through us, (and when necessary in spite of us), calling us and empowering us to be disciples of Jesus together!

Plotting Goodness,
Pastor Dave

Photo by Felipe Furtado on Unsplash

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