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Sermon slides for January 26, 2025–Temptation & Power

By: Pastor Dave | January 26, 2025 | , ,

As promised! A post mostly designed for those participating in our worship experience online and thus cannot see the slides we show to enhance the message. Today’s text is from Luke 4.

Jesus and this other figure are like wizards shooting spells at each other. They’re like two Jedi in a light saber battle. They’re like a super hero and his arch-nemesis fighting it out. Man, does our culture ever love — love — to imagine, draw, paint, and film this story. Just who is this other figure? The text, depending on the version read, calls Jesus’ interlocutor devil, Devil, tester, tempter, or Satan. How do you picture this creature in your mind’s eye?

Most of what we know or think or think we know about devil/Satan comes pop culture. But the following are examples of how we’ve depicted this story over the centuries.

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